
namespace AppUtils;

use AppJobsFeiShuSendJob;
use AppRepositoriesOrderOrdersRepo;
use Exception;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesLog;
use PhpAmqpLibChannelAMQPChannel;
use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPStreamConnection;
use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;
use PhpAmqpLibExchangeAMQPExchangeType;
use PhpAmqpLibWireAMQPTable;

    @method: queue_declare
        name: $queue    // should be unique in fanout exchange. Let RabbitMQ create a queue name for us
        passive: false  // don't check if a queue with the same name exists
        durable: false  // the queue will not survive server restarts       是否持久化队列
        exclusive: true // the queue can not be accessed by other channels  是否是独占队列,不允许并发消费
        auto_delete: true // the queue will be deleted once the channel is closed.

 * fanout derict topic 延迟队列
class RabbitmqUtil
    public array $configs = [];

    public string $exchangeName = '';

    public string $queueName = '';

    public string $routeKey = '';

    public $lastHeartbeatAt = 0;

    public $connection = null;

    public $channel = null;

    public $args = [
        'ask' => false

     * 初始化配置文件
     * @param string $exchangeName
     * @param string $queueName
      @param string $routeKey 支持普通路由和正侧路由键(user.  user.#等)
     * @param array $configs
     * @throws Exception
    public function __construct(string $exchangeName,string $queueName = '', string $routeKey = '',array $configs=[])
            $configs = config('queue.connections.rabbitmq');
        $this->exchangeName = $exchangeName;
        $this->queueName = $queueName;
        $this->routeKey = $routeKey;

     * 设置配置文件
     * @param  array  $configs
     * @throws Exception
    private function setConfigs(array $configs)
        if (!($configs['host'] && $configs['port'] && $configs['user'] && $configs['password'])) {
            throw new Exception('configs is empty');
        if (empty($configs['vhost'])) {
            $configs['vhost'] = '/';
        $this->configs = $configs;

     * 初始化MQ
     * @return AMQPStreamConnection
    public function initConnection(): AMQPStreamConnection
        return new AMQPStreamConnection(
            false, 'AMQPLAIN', null, 'en_US', 3.0, 3.0,
            null, false, $this->configs['heartbeat']);

     * 初始化队列
     * @param  AMQPChannel  $channel
     * @return AMQPChannel
    private function initQueue(AMQPChannel &$channel)
        // 初始化队列
            list($this->queueName, ,) = $channel->queue_declare($this->queueName, false, true, false, false);
            $channel->queue_declare($this->queueName, false, true, false, false);

        return $channel;
     * 初始化频道信息
     * @param  AMQPStreamConnection  $connection
     * @return mixed
    private function initTopicChannel(AMQPStreamConnection $connection,string $opType='publish'): mixed
        $channel = $connection->channel();
        // 初始化交换机
        $channel->exchange_declare($this->exchangeName, AMQPExchangeType::TOPIC, false, true, false);
        if($opType == 'consume'){
            // 初始化队列
            // 将队列与某个交换机进行绑定,并使用路由关键字
            $channel->queue_bind($this->queueName, $this->exchangeName);

        return $channel;

     * 发布Topic消息
     * @param $message
     * @throws Exception
    public function pushTopicMessage($message)
        $connection = $this->initConnection();
        $channel = $this->initTopicChannel($connection);
        if (is_array($message)) {
            $message = json_encode($message);
        $data = new AMQPMessage($message, ['delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT]);

        $channel->basic_publish($data, $this->exchangeName, $this->routeKey);


     * 消费Topic消息
     * @param  array|string  $functionName
     * @param  bool          $ask
     * @return false|void
    public function consumeTopicMessage(array|string $functionName)
        if (!$functionName || !$this->queueName) {
            return false;
        try {
             * @var AMQPChannel $channel
            $channel = $this->keeplive(AMQPExchangeType::DIRECT);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            FeiShuSendJob::dispatch('Rabbitmq', [$e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()])->onQueue('FeiShuSendJob_'.config('app.env'));

            Log::error('Rabbitmq', [$e->getMessage()]);

     *  初始化频道信息
     * @param $connection
     * @return AMQPChannel
    public function initDirectChannel(AMQPStreamConnection $connection): mixed
        $channel = $connection->channel();
        // 初始化队列
        // 初始化交换机
        $channel->exchange_declare($this->exchangeName, AMQPExchangeType::DIRECT, false, true, false);
        // 将队列与某个交换机进行绑定,并使用路由关键字
        $channel->queue_bind($this->queueName, $this->exchangeName, $this->routeKey);

        return $channel;

     * 发布直连消息
     * @param $message
     * @throws Exception
    public function pushDirectMessage($message,$content_type='')
        if (is_array($message)) {
            $message = json_encode($message);
        $properties = ['delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT];
        $data = new AMQPMessage($message, $properties);
        $this->channel->basic_publish($data, $this->exchangeName, $this->routeKey);

    public function pushDirectMessageArr(array $message,$content_type='')
        if (is_array($message)) {
            $message = json_encode($message);
        $properties = ['delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT];
        foreach ($message as $info){
            $data = new AMQPMessage($info, $properties);
            $this->channel->basic_publish($data, $this->exchangeName, $this->routeKey);


     * 发布直连消息 不关闭连接
     * @param $message
     * @throws Exception
    public function pushDirectMessageNoClose($message,$content_type='')
        if (is_array($message)) {
            $message = json_encode($message);
        $properties = ['delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT];
        $data = new AMQPMessage($message, $properties);
        $this->channel->basic_publish($data, $this->exchangeName, $this->routeKey);

     * 消费直连消息
     * @param  array|string  $functionName
     * @param  bool          $ask
     * @return false|void
    public  function consumeDirectMessage(array|string $functionName)
        if (!$functionName || !$this->queueName) {
            return false;
         * @var AMQPChannel $channel
        $channel = $this->keeplive(AMQPExchangeType::DIRECT);
        $channel->basic_qos(null, 1, null);

     * 初始化延迟channel信息
     * @param  AMQPStreamConnection  $connection
     * @return PhpAmqpLibChannelAbstractChannel|AMQPChannel
    private function initDelayChannel(AMQPStreamConnection $connection)
        $channel = $connection->channel();
        // 初始化队列
        // 初始化交换机 new AMQPTable(["x-delayed-type" => AMQPExchangeType::DIRECT] 可以修改为其他模式
        $channel->exchange_declare($this->exchangeName, 'x-delayed-message', false, true, false, false, false, new AMQPTable(["x-delayed-type" => AMQPExchangeType::DIRECT]));
        // 将队列与某个交换机进行绑定,并使用路由关键字
        $channel->queue_bind($this->queueName, $this->exchangeName, $this->routeKey);

        return $channel;

     * 发布延迟消息
     * @param  array  $messageData 要批量插入的消息数据
     * @param  string  $dateKey    计算延时的key值
     * @param  int  $delayTime     延迟时间(分钟)
     * @throws Exception
    public function pushDelayMessage(array $messageData, int $delayTime = 30, string $dateKey = 'created_at')
        $connection = $this->initConnection();
        $channel = $this->initDelayChannel($connection);
        foreach ($messageData as $message) {
                //TODO 单个代报、转班需要补款的订单,待支付订单统一为24小时支付时长,用户自主下单30分钟倒计时规则不变
                if ((isset($message['orders_mode']) && in_array($message['orders_mode'], [OrdersRepo::ORDER_MODE_PROXY_SINGLE, OrdersRepo::ORDER_MODE_TRANSFER]))) {
                    $delayTime = OrdersRepo::ORDER_PROXY_SINGLE_OR_TRANSFER_CYCLE_TIME;
                $delay = strtotime($message[$dateKey]) + $delayTime * 60 - time();
                $delay = max($delay, 0);
                $delay = 0;
            if (is_array($message)) {
                $message = json_encode($message);
            $data = new AMQPMessage($message, [
                'delivery_mode'       => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT,
                'application_headers' => new AMQPTable(['x-delay' => $delay * 1000]),
            $channel->basic_publish($data, $this->exchangeName, $this->routeKey);

     * 消费延迟消息
     * @param  array|string  $functionName
     * @param  bool          $ask
     * @return false|void
    public function consumeDelayMessage(array|string $functionName)
        if (!$functionName || !$this->queueName) {
            return false;
        try {
             * @var AMQPChannel $channel
            $channel = $this->keeplive('x-delayed-message');
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            FeiShuSendJob::dispatch('Rabbitmq', [$e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()])->onQueue('FeiShuSendJob_'.config('app.env'));
            Log::error('Rabbitmq', [$e->getMessage()]);

     * 初始化频道信息
     * @param  AMQPStreamConnection  $connection
     * @param  string                $opType  publish:发布,consume:消费
     * @return mixed
    private function initFanoutChannel(AMQPStreamConnection $connection,string $opType='publish'): mixed
        $channel = $connection->channel();
        // 初始化交换机
        $channel->exchange_declare($this->exchangeName, AMQPExchangeType::FANOUT, false, true, false);

        if($opType == 'consume'){
            // 初始化队列

            // 将队列与某个交换机进行绑定,并使用路由关键字
            $channel->queue_bind($this->queueName, $this->exchangeName);

        return $channel;

     * 发布广播消息
     * @param $message
     * @throws Exception
    public function pushFanoutMessage($message)
        $connection = $this->initConnection();
        $channel = $this->initFanoutChannel($connection);
        if (is_array($message)) {
            $message = json_encode($message);
        $data = new AMQPMessage($message, ['delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT]);

        $channel->basic_publish($data, $this->exchangeName);


     * 消费广播消息消息
     * @param  array|string  $functionName
     * @param  bool          $ask
     * @return false|void
    public function consumeFanoutMessage(array|string $functionName)
        if (!$functionName || !$this->queueName) {
            return false;
        try {

             * 开启了心跳(heartbeat>0)且距离上一次心跳间隔时间超过预定心跳时间(-1稍微提前下),则需要重连
             * @var AMQPChannel $channel
            $channel = $this->keeplive(AMQPExchangeType::FANOUT);
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            FeiShuSendJob::dispatch('Rabbitmq', [$e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()])->onQueue('FeiShuSendJob_'.config('app.env'));
            Log::error('Rabbitmq', [$e->getMessage()]);

     * 消费
     * @param  AMQPChannel  $channel
     * @param  mixed       $functionName
    public function consume(AMQPChannel $channel,mixed $functionName)
        $consumerTag = 'consumer' . getmypid();
        //$channel->basic_qos(null,1,null); //无论有多少队列,每次只能消费1条数据
        //no_ask = true 自动应答,false 手动应答
        $channel->basic_consume($this->queueName, $consumerTag, true, $this->ask, false, false, $functionName);
        while (count($channel->callbacks)) {

     * channel 保活
     * @param  string  $mqType
     * @return null
    public function keeplive($mqType = AMQPExchangeType::DIRECT)
        $needReconnect = isset($this->configs['heartbeat'])
            && $this->configs['heartbeat'] > 0
            && time() - $this->lastHeartbeatAt > $this->configs['heartbeat'] - 1;

        if ($needReconnect || !$this->connection) {
            $this->connection = $this->initConnection();
            switch ($mqType){
                case AMQPExchangeType::DIRECT:
                    $channelType = 'initDirectChannel';
                case AMQPExchangeType::FANOUT:
                    $channelType = 'initFanoutChannel';
                case AMQPExchangeType::TOPIC:
                    $channelType = 'initTopicChannel';
                case 'x-delayed-message':
                    $channelType = 'initDelayChannel';
            $this->channel = $this->$channelType($this->connection,'consume');
            $this->lastHeartbeatAt = time();

        return $this->channel;

     * 设置MQ参数
     * @param $name
     * @param $value
    public function __set($name,$value)
        $this->args[$name] = $value;

     * 获取MQ参数
     * @param $name
     * @return false|mixed
    public function __get($name)
        return $this->args[$name] ?? false;

1、config 已配置mq信息
3、$mq = new RabbitmqUtil(self::DELETE_EXCHANG,self::DELETE_QUEUE,'');

作品采用:本作品采用 知识共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。


来自 《推荐一个php rabbitmq类库 》

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